Oil-Sealed Rotary Screw Vacuum Pumps with VSD+ | Atlas Copco

Oil-Sealed Rotary Screw Vacuum Pumps with VSD+ | Atlas Copco

GHS 1200-4800 VSD+: Oil-sealed rotary screw vacuum pumps.

1126-4778 m³/h, 662-2814 cfm.
Atlas Copco’s oil-sealed rotary screw vacuum pumps bring reliable, efficient rough vacuum to the general industry. The GHS 1200-4800 combines a robust oil-sealed rotary screw technology with Atlas Copco’s advanced screw element design.

Providing up to 4778 m3/h of vacuum pumping performance across six models, the GHS series is ideal for critical applications in printing, electronics, plastics, packaging, woodworking, bottling, canning and similar exacting industries.

Features and Benefits :

- Robust Technology
The GHS 1200-4800 combine a technologically advanced screw design with robust and highly regarded oil-sealed rotary technology to produce a state-of-the-art, market-leading product.

- High Reliability
In the GHS 1200-4800 range of vacuum pumps, industry-leading screw technology meets many years of vacuum know-how. Add a conservative approach to machine speed and you have all the benefits of Atlas Copco’s screw element, including inherent reliability, optimal efficiency and life cycle costs.

- Outstanding Efficiency & Ease of Use
GHS rotary screw vacuum pumps outperform many other vacuum technologies in their operating pressure range. They are available ready to use, with all the options you need, and supported by the best know-how.


Slow Rotor Speed
• Ensuring that GHS 1200-4800 vacuum pumps are quiet – from 82 dB(A) – so they can be located alongside your machine in areas where people work.
• Guaranteeing high reliability and extreme durability.

Lift-out panels
Eliminating the need for swing-out doors, saving valuable space.

Innovative porting
• Optimizing performance when cycling from atmospheric pressure to the operating vacuum level.
• Preventing internal and efficiency sapping back-pressures during operation close to atmospheric pressure. The result is fast response to process changes.

Sound-Insulated Canopy
• Reduced sound levels.
• Enhancing the appearance of the vacuum pump.

Modulating Valve Fitted Directly to Pump Inlet
• Allowing delivered performance to be matched to actual demand.
• Minimizing fluctuations in system vacuum level.
• Reducing wear and maintenance, as a result of fewer stops/starts.

Adjustable Oil Thermostat
• Preventing condensed water vapor from contaminating the oil reservoir, even in demanding conditions.
• Consistent and continuous performance during humid duties with minimal impact on component lifetime within the oil circuit.

Generously Matched Motors
GHS 1200-4800 vacuum pumps are durable, highly reliable and fitted with generously rated motors making them last a lifetime.

Highly Efficient Oil Mist Separators
• Easily replaceable cartridge type elements sized to minimize back-pressure and optimizing the delivered performance.
• Ensuring long operating life with a minimum number of service interventions.
• Allowing operation close to atmospheric pressure, without the consequences often found when excessive optimization takes place.

GHS 350-1900 VSD+: Oil-sealed rotary screw vacuum pumps.

Our new innovative and intelligent vacuum pump – the GHS VSD+ range of screw vacuum pumps with capacities up to 1900 m³/h – representing a real leap forward in the vacuum industry.

Features and Benefits :
The GHS VSD+ Series is a new range of highly efficient, intelligent vacuum pumps with Variable Speed Drive (VSD) from Atlas Copco. Based on the well-known and durable plug-and-play design principles of Atlas Copco compressors, these vacuum pumps have been designed by vacuum engineers to deliver peak performance at operating pressures commonly found in industrial applications.

The GHS VSD+ series offer:
• Energy savings of around 50% A state-of-the-art technology, variable speed drive (VSD) and innovative motor design combine to produce a leap forward in efficiency to dramatically reduce lifecycle costs
• Significantly better performance against benchmarked oil-sealed and dry vane vacuum pump
• Quiet operation – Noise levels are around half that of comparable technologies.
• Sustainable productivity due to built-in efficiency. Conforms to energy management and environmental commitments according to ISO 50001/14001.
• Reduced environmental impact due to ultra-high oil retention at all operating pressures – from ultimate pressure to atmospheric pressure.



Kami adalah salah satu Authorized Distributor Atlas Copco Indonesia yang menyediakan spare parts, dan juga melakukan service perbaikan/ repair Atlas Copco Vacuum Pump. Atlas Copco Indonesia adalah perusahaan Belgia air compressor manufacturer terkenal di dunia. Atlas Copco saat ini mempelopori teknologi Vacuum Pump baik di belgia maupun dieropa, bahkan diseluruh dunia. Sampai saat ini produk – produk Atlas Copco menjadi salah satu produk dengan kualitas yang terbaik di dunia.
adapun merk - merk yang di akuisisi oleh Atlas Copco :
- Leybold Vacuum Pump
- Edwards Vacuum Pump

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Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Karawang
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Padalarang
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Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Sukabumi
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kartasura
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Solo
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Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Sidoarjo
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Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Makassar
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kalimantan
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kalimantan Barat
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kalimantan Tengah
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kalimantan Timur
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Pontianak
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Bontang
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Ketapang
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Samarinda
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Balikpapan
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Palangkaraya
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Tarakan
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Pare-Pare
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Palopo
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Bima
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Nusa Tenggara Barat
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Nusa Tenggara Timur
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kupang
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Manokwari
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Papua Barat
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Bawe
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Timika
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Jayapura
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Ambon
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Tasikmalaya
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Garut
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kuningan
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Subang
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Ternate
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Maluku
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Maluku Utara
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kota Bau-Bau
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Manado
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Tembagapura
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Kota Sarmi
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Dili
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Polewali
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Timor Leste
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Teluk Ambon
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Bandung
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Serang
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Banten
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Cilegon
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Cikupa
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Serpong
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Jatake
Distributor Vacuum Pump Atlas Copco di Industri Manis

Single Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps - GVS 16-630 | Atlas Copco

Single Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Pumps  - GVS 16-630 | Atlas Copco

Providing highly efficient vacuum pumping performance, the GVS 16-630 A series is ideal for critical applications in packaging, woodworking, rubber, plastics, electronics, paper & printing, material handling and other exacting industries. Moreover, with ten models offering pumping speeds of between 16 and 840 m3/h (at 60 Hz), you will definitely find the right model for your specific application.  

Features and Benefits :
• Easy to install due to compact, space-saving design.
• High reliability through a rugged design and optimal oil retention at all operating pressures.
• Low maintenance and wear due to optimally selected shaft speeds.
• Low noise and vibration levels throughout the pressure range.
• Dimensional information is available on the product specific datasheet. 

Applications :
GVS 16-630 oil-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps are perfect for a range of demanding applications:
• Packaging:
   – Food processing: general packaging, cheese processing, vacuum cooling of produce.
   – Meat packing: fresh and cooked meats, poultry, modified atmosphere packaging, tumbling, filling and sealing.
• Woodworking: CNC cutting and routing, loading and unloading systems.
• Rubber and plastics: thermoforming applications, extruder barrel degassing, mold degassing, material handling.
• R&D systems: central laboratory vacuum.
• Electronics: pick and place components, PCB manufacture, central vacuum systems.
• Material handling: vacuum lifting, pick and place, bulk material transfer, pneumatic conveying, bottling, canning, vacuum sewage.
• Paper and printing: presses (sheet fed, offset, etc.), bindery equipment including stitching lines and perfect binding,
newspaper production, envelope machines.
• Medical vacuum: various evacuation duties.
• Environmental: ground remediation etc. 

Metric Imperial
Pumping speed:  16 - 700 m3/hr 9  – 494 cfm
Ultimate pressure: 0.5 – 0.1 mbar(a) 0.4 – 0.08 Torr
Motor power: 0.75 – 18.5 kW 1 – 25 Hp

Vacuum Booster Pumps - ZRS 250-4200 Series | Atlas Copco


Production Information :
The ZRS mechanical booster pumps, based on the simple roots principle, remains the favourite pump for applications where high pumping speeds are required for pressures in the region of 0.01 to 50 mbar.
This pump must always be backed by another pump, which can deliver against a high-pressure differential to atmospheric pressure. Operating at relatively low pressures, the mechanical booster pump is not exposed to the same concentrations of corrosive process media as is the backing pump, which makes it highly reliable.

Features and Benefits :
• Standard package design: 50 Hz DIN or 60 Hz ANSI available.
• Modular design of 3 package types: once through, partial recirculation and total recirculation.
• Optional materials of construction: cast iron, stainless steel fitted, stainless steel complete.
• Accessories have stainless steel wetted parts as standard.
• Short lead times, minimum life cycle costs and optimized reliability.
• Easy design iteration steps without extensive dead time between phases.
• Certified for hazardous area operation (European ATEX Ex II 2Gc, IIB T3, USA Explosion proof Class 1 Division 1 Group C & D).
• Non-hazardous area versions and full range of skid mounted accessories are also available.

Metric Imperial
Displacement (swept volume): 310/375 – 4140/4985 m3/hr 185/220 – 2440/2935 cfm
Maximum pressure differential: 180/150 – 60/50 mbar 140/115 – 45/38  Torr
Motor power: 2.2 – 11 kW  3 – 15 Hp 

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps AWS & AWD Series | Atlas Copco


Atlas Copco liquid ring vacuum pumps are offered as standard packages in a number of configurations, suitable for operation in once through, partial or total recirculation. For partial or total recirculation systems the pump package components are offered with stainless steel wetted parts as standard, irrespective of the materials of construction of the pump. The AW liquid ring vacuum pumps are available for both single (AWS) and two stage pumps (AWD) with capacities from 200-37500 m³/h and vacuum levels down to 30 mbar(a).

Features and Benefits :
• Standard package design: 50 Hz DIN or 60 Hz ANSI available.
• Modular design of 3 package types: once through, partial recirculation and total recirculation.
• Optional materials of construction: cast iron, stainless steel fitted, stainless steel complete.
• Accessories have stainless steel wetted parts as standard.
• Short lead times, minimum life cycle costs and optimized reliability.
• Easy design iteration steps without extensive dead time between phases.
• Certified for hazardous area operation (European ATEX Ex II 2Gc, IIB T3, USA Explosion proof
Class 1 Division 1 Group C & D).
• Non-hazardous area versions and full range of skid mounted accessories are also available.

Applications :
Liquid ring vacuum pumps are ideal for specific, humid, dirty and/or large applications in heavy industries, a selection of which can be found below. The AWS and AWD series are the workhorses of the local economy: strong, reliable, proven and simple machines that deliver utility or process vacuum. As part of the Atlas Copco Group, Hick Hargreaves brings more than 50 years of expertise in liquid ring pumps; delivering sustainable productivity in the harshest environments.
• Mining
• Brick extrusion
• Automotive industry
• Cement and allied products
• Chemical industries
• Food processing
• General manufacturing
• Metalwork industries
• Paper and allied products
• Petroleum industries
• Oil and gas
• Plastics
• Textile industry
• Power and utilities


AWS single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps @50 Hz Metric
Nominal capacity: 170 – 5400 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 30 mbar(a)
Nominal installed motor: 5.5 – 132 kW
AWD two-stage liquid ring vacuum pumps @50 Hz Metric
Nominal capacity: 195 – 4500 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 30 mbar(a)
Nominal installed motor: 5.5 – 132 kW

AWL single-stage liquid ring vacuum pumps @50 Hz Metric
Nominal capacity: 5000 – 37500 m³/h
Ultimate pressure: 160 mbar(a)
Nominal installed motor: up to 750 kW

Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump - GVD 40-275 Series | Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco - GVD 40-275 Series (Edwards E2M40, E2M80, E2M175, E2M275)

The GVD 40-275 series 2-stage oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps are renowned for their high ultimate vacuum, rapid pumping speeds, quiet operation and ability to handle water vapor. These direct drive rotary vane pumps are inherently compact and vibration free, and with their finger-proof fan and coupling housings they offer excellent operator protection. A comprehensive range of accessories is available to allow use on the widest variety of vacuum applications.

Features and Benefits :
• Advanced pressurized oil circuit to give effective lubrication even under high gas loads.
• When the pump is switched off, the spring loaded distributor valve provides oil and air suck-back protection.
• Gas ballast control to assist in handling high water vapor loads.
• Industrial roller bearings on drive shaft for ultimate reliability and long, trouble free life.
• Full height oil sight glass for easy checking of oil level and condition.
• Easy change oil filter, with oil filter condition gauge on larger models.
• Central inlet port to allow easy mounting of mechanical booster pump if required.
• Easy to maintain, with convenient service kits and international customer support.
• A wide range of accessories to match your application needs.
• The pumps and accessories can be supplied either as individual components or as fully systemized, factory-tested combinations

Applications :
• Refrigeration and air conditioning system evacuation, drying, and backfilling
• Vacuum drying and distillation
• Backing pump for high vacuum applications
• Vacuum metallurgy processes
• Thin film coating technologies
• Freeze drying
• Transformer and cable drying and impregnation, insulating oil treatment plant
• Cryogenic vessel evacuation 

GVD 40 -275 range Metric Imperial
Pumping speed: 37 – 255 m3/hr 21.8 – 150 cfm
Ultimate pressure (gas ballast closed): 1.0 x 10-3mbar 7.7 x 10-4  Torr
Motor power: 1.1 – 7.5 kW 1.5 – 10 kW

Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump - GVD 5-28 Series | Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco - GVD Series (Edwards E2M5, E2M8, E2M12, E2M18 & E2M28)

The GVD Series of small oil-sealed rotary vane pumps deliver excellent ultimate vacuum pressure, high pumping speeds and superior vapor handling capabilities with quiet operation. These pumps offer proven performance that sets the industry standard for R&D and scientific pumping applications. All pumps/motors are approved to UL and CSA standards by an external test house and feature our patented mode selector switch, meaning one model is suitable for both high vacuum or high throughput applications. In summary, you can rest assured that when you choose an Atlas Copco GVD 2 stage oil-sealed rotary vane pump you are choosing a product you can rely on from a company you can trust.

Features and Benefits :
• Ultra quiet operation and intrusive frequencies minimized.
• Easy-to-use gas ballast.
• Fast acting anti suck back system protection.
• High torque, 1-phase and 3-phase multi-voltage and 50/60 Hz motors available.
• Efficient high pressure lubrication.
• Oil-tight with printed gaskets, effective shaft seals.
• Clamped-in sight glass.
• Oil box well contains filling spills.
• Hi-tech polymer blades, large diameter, easy-clean oil passages.
• Consistent, built-in quality.
• Wide variety of accessories is available.

Applications :
• Laboratory bench top vacuum
• Research and development
• Turbomolecular backing pumps
• Freeze drying
• Analytical instruments 
Vacuum Pump GVD 5, 1-phase and 3-phase motor, 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Pump capacity, 50 Hz: 5.1 m3 / h
Final vacuum with closed gas ballast: 0.002 mbar
Oil amount: 0.7 l
Weight: 25 kg
Vacuum flange: 25KF
Engine power, 1-phase, 50 Hz: 0.45 kW
Dimensions: Length 430 mm, width 170 mm, height 229 mm
Vacuum Pump GVD 8, 1-phase and 3-phase motor, 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Pump capacity, 50 Hz: 8.5 m3 / h
Final vacuum with closed gas ballast: 0.002 mbar
Oil amount: 0.75 l
Weight: 28 kg
Vacuum flange: 25KF
Engine power, 1-phase, 50 Hz: 0.45 kW
Dimensions: Length 470 mm, width 180 mm, height 265 mm
Vacuum Pump GVD 12, 1-phase and 3-phase motor, 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Pump capacity, 50 Hz: 12 m3 / h
Final vacuum with closed gas ballast: 0.002 mbar
Oil quantity: 1 l
Weight: 29 kg
Vacuum flange: 25KF
Engine power, 1-phase, 50 Hz: 0.45 kW
Dimensions: Length 490 mm, width 180 mm, height 265 mm
Vacuum Pump GVD 18, 1-phase and 3-phase motor, 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Pump capacity, 50 Hz: 17 m3 / h
Final vacuum with closed gas ballast: 0.001 mbar
Oil amount: 1.05 l
Weight: 41 kg
Vacuum flange: 25KF
Engine power, 1-phase, 50 Hz: 0.55 kW
Dimensions: Length 520 mm, width 183 mm, height 272 mm
Vacuum Pump GVD 28, 1-phase and 3-phase motor, 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Pump capacity, 50 Hz: 27.5 m3 / h
Final vacuum with closed gas ballast: 0.001 mbar
Oil amount: 1.32 l
Weight: 44 kg
Vacuum flange: 25KF
Motor power, 1-phase, 50 Hz: 0.75 kW
Dimensions: Length 584 mm, width 183 mm, height 272 mm

Oil-Sealed Rotary Piston Pumps | Stokes Vacuum | Atlas Copco

Oil-Sealed Rotary Piston Pumps - GLS 250-500 Series | Stokes Vacuum | Atlas Copco

As part of the Atlas Copco Group, Stokes Vacuum continues to innovate oil-lubricated rotary piston pumps. The GLS has been improved, upgraded and fine-tuned. It delivers even better dependability and productivity combined with minimal
maintenance and process downtime, especially crucial in demanding applications such as the automotive or aerospace industry and their supply chains.
Designed compactly for maximum uptime with minimal moving parts and large clearance, the GLS rotary piston pump has advanced balancing that reduces vibration and is easy to maintain. Add a ZRS booster to the GLS to increase the pumping speed.

Chemical processing
Heat treatment
Vacuum melting
Leak detection
PET processing
Large area glass coating
Large chamber pumping requirements
Transformer drying and cable fluid conditioning
Vacuum coating
General applications


Metric Imperial
Pumping speed: 234 - 442 m3/hr 138 – 260 cfm

500 – 2600 m3/hr 294 – 1530 cfm by adding a ZRS booster
Motor power: 5.5 – 18.5 kW (50 Hz) 7.5 – 25 Hp (60 Hz)



Booster Pump System sebuah paket sistem pompa centrifugal yang dilengkapi 2 unit pompa up 5 unit dengan kelengkapan aksesoris, control panel with variable speed PID controller, pressure gauge, valves, pipe, water tank and base frame. Sistem Pompa Booster diaplikasikan untuk mensuplai air bersih di gedung bertingkat atau Manufacture

Feature :
- Dilengkapi variable speed control
- Terminal Pressure Control
- Suplai air yang Stabil
- Compact layout
- Simple and compact inner control panel

Aplikasi :
Apartemen, Gedung Perkantoran, Hotel, Mall, Gedung Sekolah, Rumah Sakit, Industri, Factory, Manufacturing, Processing Industries.

KAPASITAS : 50 – 500 LPM
HEAD : 20 – 100 METER



KAPASITAS : 500/750/1000/1250/1500 US.GPM
HEAD : 60 – 250 METER



KAPASITAS : 500/750/1000/1250/1500 US.GPM
HEAD : 60 – 250 METER





KAPASITAS : 25/50/100 US.GPM
HEAD : 60 – 250 METER




SCW Series - Horizontal Split Case Pumps | CRI PUMP

SCW Series - Horizontal Split Case Pumps | CRI PUMP

C.R.I. Horizontal Split Case Pumps are engineered to perfection with innovative design and stringent quality control to give you trouble free service. The pump volute chamber & impellers are carefully designed to give the best possible hydraulic efficiency. Most modern, highly sophisticated machinery & technology are employed in the manufacture of these pumps using quality raw materials, dynamically balanced impeller & rotor ensures vibration & noise fee operations. Shaft is made of high quality steel, precision ground of ample size for transmitting the rated horsepower.
These Horizontal split case pumps are of Single stage, double suction, split volute, centrifugal Non-self priming type with radial suction & discharge ports. The split case design of these pumps enables easy removal & dismantling of bearings, wearing rings, Impeller & seals without disturbing the pipeline & motor.
Pumps can be supplied as such without motor or complete set with motor & base plate based on requirement.

Power Range 3 kW - 3000 kW
Head Range 7 - 220 m
Flow Capacity 22 - 30000 m³/h
Outlet size 3” - 36”
Temperature -20°C to 200°C
Permissible Pressure 5 Mpa
Sealing Gland packing or mechanical seal
Impeller MOC CI / Bronze
Inlet / outlet size 150 - 1600 mm

- Dynamically balanced rotating parts
- Robust construction
- High operating efficiency & low life cycle cost
- Heavy duty bearings ensures long life
- Available with different MOC & wide range for various applications
- Balance & rigid construction 

- General Water supply
- Cooling towers
- Fire fighting
- Hot & cold water circulation
- Drinking water transfer
- Flood Irrigation
- Swimming pool & amusement parks
- Various industrial applications

HMW Series - Horizontal Multistage Pumps | CRI PUMP

HMW Series - Horizontal Multistage Pumps | CRI PUMP

C.R.I. Horizontal multi-stage centrifugal pumps are engineered to perfection with innovative design and stringent quality control to give you trouble free service. These pumps are robust in construction and tested to a high standard of excellence. High grade materials are used to make these pumps durable, efficient and easy to maintain. Shaft is made of high quality steel, precision ground of ample size for transmitting the rated horsepower.

These Horizontal multi-stage centrifugal pumps are of Single Suction, non-self priming type. The impellers are of radial flow design and are balanced to handle hydraulic axial thrust. Based on application multiple outlet ports can be supplied and direction of inlet & outlet ports can be tilted. These pumps are used to transfer clear cold & hot water without solid particles. Also other mediums such as oil, corrosive & abrasive liquids can be pumped by suitably changing the material of construction and sealing type of these pumps.

Power Range Upto 1120 kW
Speed 2900 & 1450 rpm
Head Range 33 - 1056 m
Flow Range 6 - 850 m³/h
Pump Size 1” to 10”
Sealing Gland packing or mechanical seal
Impeller MOC CI / Bronze / SS

- Dynamically balanced rotating parts
- Rigid construction
- High operating efficiency
- Heavy duty bearings ensures long life
- Available with different MOC & wide range for various applications
- Balance & rigid construction
- Available with multiple outlet

- General Water supply
- High rise buildings
- Fire fighting systems
- Irrigation
- Pressure Booster
- Reverse osmosis system
- High pressure water supply
- Boiler Feeding
- Hot & cold water circulation
- Various industrial applications

MHS, MHB, MD Series - Horizontal Multistage Centrifugal Pumps | CRI PUMP

MHS, MHB, MD Series - Horizontal Multistage Centrifugal Pumps | CRI PUMP

C.R.I.'s Horizontal Multistage Centrifugal Pumps (MH Series) are non self priming, axial suction and vertical radial delivery type threaded parts. All vital components like impellers, diffusers & shaft of these pumps are made of corrosion resistance AISI Stainless Steel and designed to deliver the best possible hydraulic efficiency. The pump and motor are connected with a single drive shaft to eliminate any transmission loss. 'O' ring and gasket prevents leakage at the intermediate casing during high pressure. Mechanical seal of these pumps are made of ceramic and carbon graphite to ensure reliability and easy replacement. These pumps are powered by a totally enclosed fan cooled.

- High operating efficiency
- Precise parts for hygiene
- Good suction lift and operating charecteristics
- Dynamically balanced rotating parts
- Balanced and rigid construction
- Available M.O.C. Type S, L, N & B
- Inbuilt thermal overload protector in all single phase pumps


Part Name Material
Motor Casing & Bracket CI / Casted SS
Impeller SS 304
Diffuser SS 304
Motor Frame Al
Shaft SS 304 / 410
Mechanical Seal Ceramic & Carbon
Base Plate MS

Specifications MHS MHB MD Series
Power Range 0.22 kW to 2.2 kW 0.25 kW to 1.8 kW 0.37 - 3.0 kW
Speed 2900 rpm 2900 rpm 2900 rpm
Versions A.C. Single Phase - 230V, 50Hz
Permenent Split Capacitor (PSC)
Inbuilt Thermal Overload Protector
A.C. Three Phase - 380V / 415V, 50Hz
A.C. Single Phase - 230V, 50Hz
Permenent Split Capacitor (PSC)
Inbuilt Thermal Overload Protector
A.C. Three Phase - 380V / 415V, 50Hz
AC, Single pahse 230V 50Hz
Permrnrnt Split capacitor
Inbuilt Thermal overload protector
A.C. Three Phase 380V / 415V, 50Hz
Type of Duty S1 (Continuous) S1 (Continuous) S1 (Continuous)
Degree of Protection IP 54 IP 55 IP 55
Class of Insulation B (Optional ‘F’) F F
Discharge Range 1 - 14 m³/h 0.6 - 6.8 m³/h 1 - 2.8 m³/h
Head Range 5 - 57 m 12 - 70 m 5 - 65 m
Suction lift up to 5m 2m -
Sealing Type Mechanical Seal - Carbon Ceramic Mechanical Seal - Carbon Ceramic Mechanical seal - Carbon ceramic
Max. Liquid Temperature 90°C 50°C 10-70°C
Max. Ambient Temperature 40°C 40°C 50°C
Max. Operating Pressure 0.55 MPa (5.5 bar) 0.7 MPa (7 bar) 10 bar
Nominal Suction & Delivery Sizes 1" X 1", 1½ X 1¼", 1½" X 1½" 1" X 1", 1¼" X 1¼" 1" X 1", 1¼" X 1,1½" X 1½"", 2" X 2",

MHS - 50 Hz
Flow m³/h 2.5 5 8 12
Head Maximum m 55 54 53 57
Nominal inlet and outlet size inchens 1 x 1 1 x 1 1½" x 1¼" 1½" x 1½"

MHB - 50 Hz
Flow m³/h 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.8

MD - 50 Hz
Flow m³/h 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 28

- Pressure Boosting Units
- Industrial water supply
- Fire fighting systems
- Irrigation
- Reverse osmosis system
- High pressure water supply
- Water Treatment Plants
- Boiler Feeding
- Washing Systems
- Food processing industry
- Golf Course  

Deepwell Submersible Pumps | CRI PUMP

Deepwell Submersible Pumps | CRI PUMP

C.R.I. 4 ", 6", 8 "& 10" seri Stainless steel pompa submersible/ pompa sumur dalam terbuat dari ketahanan korosi stainless steel dengan built in check valve. Semua komponen penting terbuat dari kualitas tinggi 304/316 grade stainless steel dan shaft adalah SS 304 / 329/431. Desain impeler dan diffusers yang optimal memungkinkan efisiensi hidraulik terbaik. Pompa-pompa ini adalah tipe sentrifugal mulistage, yang dapat dipasangkan dengan kuat ke motor listrik submersible, yang beroperasi terendam di bawah permukaan air. Semua dimensi pemasangan pompa sesuai dengan standar NEMA dan motor standar NEMA lainnya.


Temperature 33°C (max)
Permissible Amount of  Sand 50 g/m³(max)
Chlorine ion density 500 ppm (max)
Allowable solids 3000 ppm (max)
Specific gravity 1.004 (max)
Hardness (Drinking Water) 300 (max)
Viscosity 1.75 x 10⁻⁶ m ²/sec (max)
Turbidity 50 ppm silicon scale (max)
pH 6.5 to 8.5
Nominal Diameter
Power Range 0.37 kW to 11 kW 2.2 kW to 63 kW 5.5k W to 110 kW 9.3 to 220 kW
Speed 2900 rpm 2900 rpm 2900 rpm 2900 rpm
Discharge Range 0.4 – 19 m³/h 7 – 80 m³/h 20 - 126 m³/h 18 - 280 m³/h
Head Range 4 – 535 m 4.5 – 620 m 2 – 475 m 6 - 488 m
Outlet sizes(BSP) 1¼", 1½" & 2 2”,2½",3” & 4” 5” 6”

- Best operating efficiency
- Precise parts made of SS 304 / 316
- Highly durable & hygiene
- Good resistance to sand
- Can be easily dismantled and repaired
- Can handle upthrust loads
- Availble MOC:Type S & N
- Additional intermediate beraings in higher stage pumps
- Carbon thrust pad
- Rubber bush bearing in all stages
- SS 329 spline couling for longer life


Nominal Diameter 4” 6”,8” & 10”
Part Name Type- S Type - N Type- S Type - N
Check valve Housing SS 304 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316
Check valve Disc SS 304 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316
Check valve seat NBR NBR NBR NBR
Diffuser chamber SS 304 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316
Impeller SS 304 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316
Split cone Nut* SS 304 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316
Wearing ring/Seal Ring NBR NBR NBR NBR
Upthrust Washer / Stop Ring SS 304/Teflon/ SS 420/Bronze SS 316/Teflon SS 420 /Carbon SS 329/Carbon
Intermediate Bearing NBR NBR NBR NBR
Suction Inter connector SS 304 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316
Inlet Screen SS 304 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316
Pump shaft SS 304/431 SS 304/431 SS 304/431 SS 304/431

- Residential
- Irrigation
- Civil Water Supply
- Fountains
- Industrial & Rural Water Supply
- Fire Fighting
- Pressure Boosting Units
- Gardens
- Sprinkler Systems
- Mining
- Oil & Gas
- Dewatering & Food Process Industry
- Golf Courses

MV Series - Vertical Multistage Pumps | CRI PUMP

MV Series - Vertical Multistage Pumps | CRI PUMP 

C.R.I.'s vertical multistage centrifugal pumps (MV Series) are non self priming axial suction and delivery type available with DIN standard for connection. All components like impeller, diffuser & shaft of these pumps are made of corrosion resistant AISI Stainless Steel and designed to deliver the best possible hydraulic efficiency. 'O' ring and gasket prevents leakage at the intermediate casing during high pressure.

Power Range : 0.37 kW - 110 kW
Speed : 2900 rpm
Versions : A.C. Single Phase - 230V, 50Hz Permenent Split Capacitor (PSC) Inbuilt Thermal Overload Protector A.C. Three Phase - 380V / 415V, 50Hz
Duty : S1 (Continuous)
Degree of Protection : IP 55 (Optional IP44, IP54)
Class of Insulation :  'F' / 'B' (Optional)
Flange Type  : Round / PJE
Discharge Range : upto 200 m³/h
Head Range : 10 - 330 m
Max.Suction Lift : 7 m
Flange Type : Round (Optional: PJE, Oval)
Sealing Type : Mechanical Seal (Cartridge Type)
Max.Liquid Temperature :  -15°C to +120°C
Max.Ambient Temperature :  40°C
Max.Opearting Pressure : 3MPa (30 bar)
Flanch Standard : DIN : 
Pipe Connections :  DN 25,32,40,50,65,80 & 100

- High operating efficiency
- Precise parts for hygiene
- Good suction lift and operating pressure
- Dynamically balanced rotating parts
- Balanced & Rigid construction
- Availble MOC : S,N & C

Material of Construction of Pump:
Part Name                      Type - C                  Type - S                  Type - N
Pump outer sleeve          SS 304                    SS 304                    SS 316
Pump Bracket                 CI                           CI                            CI
Pump base (Casing)       CI                           SS 304                     SS316
Impeller                          SS 304                   SS 304                     SS316
Diffuser                          SS 304                   SS 304                     SS316
Motor Frame                  AL / CI                  AL / CI                    AL / CI
Shaft                              SS 304 / 316          SS 304 / SS 316      SS 316
Mechanical Seal       SiC & SiC / T.C & Carbon, Viton     SiC & SiC / T.C & Carbon, Viton     SiC & SiC / T.C & Carbon, Viton
Base plate                      CI                            CI                             CI

- Pressure Boosting Units
- Civil water supply 
- Industrial water supply
- Fire fighting systems
- Reverse osmosis system
- High pressure water supply
- Irrigation
- Washing Systems
- Food processing industry
- Golf Course
- Mining
- Boiler Feeding
- Water Treatment Plants